It’s Colorado, it’s not climate change.
(Actually, the climate does change. That’s normal. It’s been changing for millions of years, largely on its own, meaning without human intervention. I’m good with all that.)
After returning from my road trip to Florida, where I experienced all the seasonal changes of a year squeezed into two weeks (just right, too hot, just right with rain, way too cold), the cold weather of a Colorado January had morphed into what we refer to as “False Spring”. Now, it is falsely spring here about 4-5 times every winter. The last time was about a month from Thanksgiving to Christmas. The locals know this and adjust. That’s why there are layers of clothing. Be prepared to leave the house in the morning with the heat blasting in your car, only to return in the afternoon with the air conditioning blasting.
I take advantage of any spring that comes my way, false or otherwise. I walk the dogs. If the snow is gone, I check all my fruit trees for frost damage. I dig in the dirt once it has thawed (yesterday I planted some onions and garlic).
For the last day or so, weather guys from all over the state have been boo-hooing about the next upcoming snowstorm (will it be 8-12″? 6-8″? or just a dusting?). March is notorious for hurricane force winds and bomb cyclones. So I thought I would accomplish all I needed to do outside before the action starts getting treacherous and I’d have to hunker down for some serious re-writes. The change was to start about noon today.
MM…. no… it is still false spring.
It was 62 degrees when I returned with the pups from our morning walk. I was sweating. So with this beautiful weather before me, I thought I would transplant a few of my houseplants. Mission accomplished! Now what?
I printed out my bank statements and reconciled them. I fussed a bit with the people who rented me my RV, as I’m not exactly sure what my overages were. I rescheduled an appointment with my dermatologist for this August. I went to the post office. I left a message with the Michigan bakery who I ordered pazcki from (for Fat Tuesday, tomorrow) as to where the hell are my delicious, once-a-year donuts. I shopped for groceries. I hit up the In’n’Out (I know, I know, but I’ve been good!).
And Elon Musk has trouble getting government employees to write down five things they’ve accomplished in a week?!? It’s not even 2 p.m.! And I’ve been lackadaisically lazy today!
So with the mundane out of the way, I guess it’s time to edit. Bookmark this post. I have officially run out of things to do.
Gratuitous photo of catching rain water in my RV. It was leaky in there for a minute.