This week I’m participating in the Greater Detroit Romance Writers of America boot camp. Day Two was all about the Rules for Writing. We know what all the Rules are, such as no ‘ly’ words (or other adverbs or adjectives), no purple prose, show don’t tell, resist the urge to open a book with weather, dreams or prologues, and other sage advice. If you are a newbie like me and have no clue, here‘s a good web site, chock full of plenty of rules from a wide range of published authors.

Once your beta readers, writing friends and critique buddies have beaten you to a bloody pulp regarding the Rules, a writer begins looking for exceptions to the rules in everything printed.

I read Missing Mom by Joyce Carol Oates (who could write more ‘seriously’ than Joyce Carol Oates?) and noted sentence fragments all over the place. I read romance novels full of ‘ly’ words. I loved Michelle Richmond’s A Year in Fog because of the references to weather in San Francisco. Dan Brown’s sentences are sometimes convoluted, totally purple, yet very entertaining.

Coincidentally, a few weeks ago when attending the San Francisco Writers Conference, I went to a workshop on breaking the rules of writing. The verdict? It can be done, even in first novels, as long as the errant rule is broken discreetly and the reader is wowed by what surrounds the damaged rule.

I have been known to be a confirmed anti-establishmentarian, a throw back to my teenage years in the post-hippie era. You say ‘yes’ and I say ‘no.’ You say it can’t be done, and dammit, I’m going to prove you wrong if it takes the rest of my life and all my energy. Note: this is how I get myself into things, like playing the violin, making jewelry, cooking and yes… writing.

Still, a girl has to have some rules, otherwise anarchy runs wild and chaos ensues. Believe me, I’ve been without boundaries, and it’s not a pretty sight.

What follows are my rules for writing. Do with them what you must.

My Ten Rules for Writing

1. Make sure you have a writing utensil on your person at all times. You never know when an idea is going to hit you in the noggin, and trying to remember anything at my age is spotty at best. Make sure your tool can write on anything. My personal favorite is Sharpie markers, because a. they are permanent, b. you can use them on anything, including plastic, Taco Bell food wrappers and your sweaty palm, and c. you can buy the cute, little keychain variety of Sharpie. Comes in amazing colors, too!

2. Turn off the noise. This means iPods, stereos, so-called ambient TV noise (you know your ears are going to perk up when Judge Alex gives his ruling), radio and your snoring Boston terrier. It also may mean obtaining ear plugs to buffer the sound of the ice falling off your roof.

3. Try to write at the same time every day. Yes, people, writing a novel is work. It’s hard work. Many people (myself included) don’t like to work. Being independently wealthy and sunbathing on my own private island is a goal, but at this point, it’s long term. Even though I don’t like to work, I drag my butt out of bed every day and do it anyway.

4. Turn off the Internet. Since I have adult onset ADD, the Internet is like diving into a cask of Napa Valley’s finest. I wouldn’t know when to stop, and I rarely do. To be really hardcore, get off Facebook. (No, you will need those peeps for when you are ready to sell books.) If you are that addicted to surfing the World Wide Web, drop into a 12-step program when necessary. It doesn’t matter which one.

5. Comfy chair. You need it. Cushions, too.

6. Caffeine! Lots of it, too. Whether it is coffee, tea or boxes of chocolate, a writer needs as much stimulation as you can round up.

7. Lock up the liquor cabinet. Conversely to #6, writing under the influence of alcohol (or drugs) is a horrible idea, unless you are drunk typing IMs to your best bud across the country. Sure, your inebriated words might seem like comic genius at the time you plop them on the page, but the next day when sobriety returns, you will be wondering WTF???

8. Warmth. Make sure you are warm enough. If your husband refuses to turn up the heat as an austerity measure, make sure you have blankets and slippers. (Remember, the Boston terrier is in her crate because she snores, so you can’t count on her to keep your feet warm.) Get a space heater if necessary. Do NOT get a Snuggie. Snuggies are dangerous inventions, especially if you have to go to the bathroom or when someone yells “fire” in the middle of the night. My dear husband gave me one for Christmas, but it’s so cumbersome, especially when working, that I gave it to the dog.

9. I write better (and longer) when I have no food. It also keeps me trim.

And finally…

10. Write something creative every day. You might not have time to whip up a couple thousand words on your novel, but whatever you do, write, and when you do so, write creatively. Letters, articles, notes to your child’s teacher, all of these can use a little sprucing up. It keeps the juices flowing and the recipients wondering.

Posted in editing, music, violin, writing, women, life, people, rewriting, womens literature, writing 4 Comments

I returned from San Francisco on Monday, taking the red eye. It saves me $75, but it’s a terrible way to fly, especially if you are old and decrepit like I am and can’t sleep sitting up. Note to those who are interested: just before you board the plane, drink two double Amaretto and orange juice and take a Benadryl. You’ll be able to doze, on and off.

San Francisco was wonderful, but then it always is. I made my escape from the Tundra just in time. When I landed in Minneapolis, the blizzard was just beginning. However, if you’re going to fly in a blizzard, Minneapolis is a good place to start. They know snow.

The entire West Coast was rainy last Monday, but by Tuesday the clouds broke and it was sunny the rest of the week, even in the Sunset where I stay. It’s normally cloudy or foggy all the time in that neighborhood. I soaked up as much sun as I could. (Felt good.)

The writers conference started on Friday. This year I stayed at the Mark Hopkins, where the conference is held. Expensive, but at least Jeffrey didn’t have to play taxi service for three days. The conference was so interesting. There were so many workshops to attend, and I felt I learned something new in each one. Once again, I signed up for the agent speed dating.

Last year’s try was a fiasco. I was so unprepared, nervous and incredibly naive! Plus, my novel (Finding Cadence) was horrible! I pulled it out this week just to take a gander, and I can’t believe how bad it is! It has to be redone from start to finish.

I’ve had an entire year to study the craft of the pitch, and to write. I hope I write better than I did a year ago, although I know my weaknesses. (Did I mention it’s tough to break bad habits?) This year, I did much better at both the pitching and the writing.

Out of the five agents I walked up to, three were interested and wanted me to query them and send them one to three chapters. One was deliriously excited, one was mildly excited, and the other thought well, what the hell, I’ll let her send me something.

It was exhilarating! I was floating on a cloud for at least a couple of hours, until I realized that now I’m really going to have to work on tightening this baby up.

Work, rewrites! GAH!

Tuesday, I opened my email to find a response to my first query. That agent wants me to send her the entire manuscript! which means I will be working at breakneck speed to get my book to the presentable level by, hmm… maybe this weekend?

My mood? Hopefully optimistic and optimistically hopeful.


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Well, I finally took the plunge.

This morning I sent out my first bona fide query letter to a real-life literary agent, in NOO Yawk City, no less.

Why, you ask, would it take me so long?

Well, despite the fact that the book is complete and has even merited an Honorable Mention in a contest, I am not that self-assured. Unlike some writers who view their babies as monumental literary masterpieces, I know my novel is flawed.

After the initial hoo-ha and jumping up and down with the thrill of victory, I then realized I was asked to submit a partial. Hit the brakes. Is my story truly ready for inquiring minds? I wasn’t so sure, so I edited it again, then again and again before today.

It’s still not perfect, but oh, well. It’s time to dive in.

So, here is part of my query letter, with explanations:

Dear Ms. (Fill in the Blank) You know who you are. And yes, I know you are a woman. I checked the web site. I figured ‘Ms.’ is the preferred title. I know I am partial to it. By the way, you are a beautiful woman.)

Thank you for awarding my submission, VIRTUALLY YOURS, an Honorable Mention in the recent QueryTracker romance contest. (Oh my God! I was delirious with joy! I jumped up and down for three days straight!  I emailed everyone close to me, and everyone not close. I posted the results and the web page on Facebook and Twitter. It was my birthday weekend, too, happy birthday to me. One out of FIFTY! Fifty? Holy moley!) Per your request, I am submitting the first ten pages of VIRTUALLY YOURS for your review. (I’m ready. I’m not ready. I’m ready. I’m not ready…)

(Brief description on the characters, Internet based, making it relevant (I hope) to modern readers, with a unique plot twist… Blah, blah, blah. Don’t worry. It’s not over one page. Check it out under “Novels” if you are so inclined.)

VIRTUALLY YOURS is a 75,000 word chick-lit romp, light in heart but includes serious perspectives on the lives of modern moms. (So I’m old school. A story isn’t a story without a moral or two.)

I am a businesswoman by day and clandestinely rendezvous with my Muse to write by night. (I don’t know where the fine line is drawn between brilliance and hokey. This is my first query, remember?) My writing credits include frequent contributions to Blog Critics and Associated Content, and I am a member of both Romance Writers of America and the Greater Detroit Romance Writers of America. (It’s all I have. I could have fluffed up, but why stretch the truth?)

Thank you again for your consideration. (Please, please, please give me more than a form letter rejection. I’m really looking for feedback. And oh, did I tell you I think you are a stunningly beautiful woman? Because you are.)

Oh, my. I’ve fallen off the deep end.


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because I placed honorable mention in the recent Query Tracker contest.

I spent all day yesterday ya-hooing, smiling, emailing people I know to gloat, posting the above link on my Facebook page, and smiling some more.

Now it’s time to get some serious work done. 🙂

Need I say that I didn’t think I’d be one of the lucky few? Whodathunk it? For real! There were only 50 spots in the contest. FIFTY! It was strictly luck that I opened my email when I did and snagged one of the coveted entries. It was also luck that I had a copy of my novel on my work computer, so I didn’t have to run home, snag the laptop and work from there.

Perhaps I shouldn’t admit this out loud, but I’m deep in the fourth edit. I know VIRTUALLY YOURS is not close to being the work of art I want it to be, but it’s getting there. Thanks to my online friends for editing and cheering me on.

Now I have to polish and prep the first chapter and construct a kick-ass query letter to accompany it, while somehow tamping down my giddiness to a reasonable level.

After all, I already know I’m not all that and a bag of potato chips. Not yet, anyway.

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Stored in my computer are five works in progress in various stages of dress. (I will call them ‘works in progress’ until one of them is printed.) Some need to be dressed up, while one in particular needs to shed almost all its clothes.

My first novel took me just over two years to write. True, I am a lackadaiscal, lazy writer with a Real World life crammed full of too many Things to Do, and in such an environment, it is difficult if not impossible to find three or more hours of uninterrupted peace and quiet. If a person wants to attach blame to anything, it’s fairly easy to do. Looking back, my biggest problem was an attachment to the work. The first book was a labor of love.

Writers can be personally attached to their work. In the creative world, what flows from minds and fingers is the birthing of your very own baby. I get that. I have witnessed writers, artists, actors and others who take themselves and their craft with seriousness. They are dismayed at bad reviews and critique.

I view writing (and any creativity) with the same outlook that I have on life: I am doing the best I can, and I won’t turn away any advice. If you are so wrapped up in your work that you believe it to be perfection, you may miss a jewel coming from a fresh pair of eyes.

My first novel was excruciatingly long. At 175K words, it might be considered an epic tome. During the first pass-through edit, I managed to eliminate 8K words just by taking out adverbs. Still, it’s not enough. The story is still good, I just need to tell it with far fewer words.

On the other hand, my current piece was completed during NaNoWriMo and topped out at just over 50K. Too short — I would prefer the finished work-in-progress to end up between 75K- 90K, the desired word count for a chick-lit romance. I know I was writing as fast as I could, with storylines and ideas stored in the brain while I pumped out the bones in thirty days. December was spent editing and adding. I am currently through the fourth edit, and still a bit shy of the target, although the story is strengthening with each pass.

Which brings us to the question of the day: Is it better to have too much or too little?

From personal experience (and I’m sure other writers will agree), I’m thinking too little is easier to bear. Performing major surgery such as the type I need to do on WIP #1 is going to be brutal. This is why I’ve been able to look at it only a few times in the last year.

I’m going to force myself to wield the knife. Soon. As soon as I finish adding to my current work. I’ll remember for the next project that less is definitely more.

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KidLit Contest

I’m feverishly working on Acorns and Oaks, and will submit my first 500 words wherever a contest may be.

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My last post found me braindead from the frenzied writing I accomplished during the 2009 NaNoWriMo. For once, I finished an entire book in thirty days. Granted, some of the chapters were woefully lacking, but NaNo is an exercise is writing as fast as you can, not in writing perfect sentences and airtight plots of the next Big Novel to make it to the New York Times bestsellers list. I am not that demented to think I could hatch a flawless work of art in thirty hurried days.

Christmas came and went without the return of adult children. In a way it was sad, but in another way, at least I didn’t feel obligated to drag the Christmas tree from the basement and decorate the house. Bah humbug reigned supreme.

With all the luscious Christmastime feasts (hey, just because the kiddies didn’t make it doesn’t mean we didn’t eat well), my resolution list was starting to look like an unscalable mountain. My first resolution was to write every day, which fell to the wayside by the fifth. (That was yesterday.) My second was to work out at least fifteen minutes a day. That one didn’t see the light of Day One. I also resolved to practice my violin more often. That also bit the dust until today. Granted, I had to take my instrument in for new strings and other adjustments and had put that off because as we all know, I am a World Class Procrastinator. I finally made it to Psarianos yesterday. Check off that chore.

Gentle readers, I did accomplish a few things in the area of writing, lest you think that I went totally overboard and morphed into a lazy slug. (I keep having this workaholic-slug slugfest in my mind. We know who wins most of the time.)

For one thing, I unleashed the NaNo novel Virtually Yours on two readers. One was a friend and the other a friend who writes. I spent a good week going over the book and fleshed out some parts and corrected others. Both readers loved it (I know, what are they going to say? They hate it?) and I took note of their edits.

Newly rewritten, I sent Virtually Yours off to yet another person for a third-party edit. I do not know this person and am prepared for an honest evaluation. She has only read the first half and so far has given it a thumbs up. I haven’t received her edits back yet.

Yesterday, I took a look at Acorns and Oaks — what there is of it — and realized it’s going to need a serious overhaul. Since it’s a companion book to Oaks and Acorns, I started it off as though the reader already knew the story. Bad idea. It had been so long since I’d worked on it that even I was lost.

So today, January 6, I am starting my resolutions anew. After the day job of getting people paid, I am retreating to my room to start anew. I am going to write no matter what, with the same frenzied abandon as I did in November, when my goal was 1,200 – 1,500 words a day or more. If I could do it then, I can do it now.

Happy New Year to me.

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