Making Friends and Working Hard

My lovelinesses.

I know that’s not a word, but today I feel that everyone is lovely. Even though it is raining, even though my husband is working on a project that makes him cranky, even though I have a billion things to do and counting.

I’ve been editing, editing, editing, and occasionally penning a one-sheet story. In the meantime, I’ve written a few things for the blog, the Blog Critics blog and other projects. Tomorrow is crit-group day, so I’ve been looking over other people’s work for a change.

I don’t know how it happened, but I am on Simon and Schuster’s publicist’s mailing list. Every so often, this kind lady will send me a soon-to-be-released book to read. Most of them are in the hot, steamy romance or historical romance genres – not exactly my cup of tea. However, if I have a few spare minutes waiting in the doctor’s office, standing in line at the Secretary of State office (DMV for those of you out of Michigan) or am trapped on a transcontinental airplane, these are perfect to pass the time with.

One of the books I read was Nancy’s Theory of Style by Grace Coopersmith. It was such an enjoyable, rollicking and totally fun read that I wrote a review for Blog Critics.

The review led to the author of the book contacting me (Yes! On this very blog! Look down a couple of posts.) and an email exchange ensued. (I couldn’t believe my luck! Emailing a published author! And she’s so nice!)

I know that’s a lot of exclamation marks, but I was very blown away. I’ll stop now.

I know we’re not friends in the true sense of the word, but it’s nice to be friendly with authors.

Back to work. 🙂

Posted in editing, people, rewriting, Uncategorized, womens literature, writing Tagged , , ,

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