NaNoWriMo Day 12 Update

We are up to Day 12 of the 2018 NaNoWriMo, and my total word count is just over 23,000 words.

YAY! Applause! Confetti!

This even after taking three and a half days off from writing. (I visited the great north – Duluth, Minnesota. It was cold, very cold. I would have rather been writing, but what can you do?) We returned yesterday where I cranked out a few words in between laundry and unpacking and checking out the damage my cat did (minimal, he’ll live).

One thing I noticed now that I’m nearly a third of the way through is that I’m still bogged down in the beginning. This is because I love me some back story! I just can’t get out of the back story!

During today’s session, I decided to plant my characters in the middle of the middle. (Which I approximately know since I know what occurs during the beginning, the middle, and the end. If you have a faint idea, you can actually start anywhere and write. Writing the ending first is really an interesting exercise.) It was a slow start, but I think I can push on from here.

The main point I’m trying to get across in my story is that women (girls) can be just as evil and conniving as men, and when any human of any gender is like that, they should get punished in the end.

Eventually (thirty years later), my antagonist is going to get punished, but at this time I’m trying to make her as mean and unlikable as possible. This is hard to do when you want people to live in peace and have a kumbaya moment every time there’s a wrinkle.

But…you need those wrinkles.

Thanksgiving is coming up, and I hope to have most of this novel finished by then. At least, I want a little more than a rough sketch, something I can really sink my teeth into once November is over.

How’s your NaNoWriMo coming along? Remember, it’s the consistent writing that makes it happen. I’ve spent NaNoWriMo in abject failure by Day 14, so I know the feeling of non-accomplishment. Push yourself. It doesn’t have to be good, it just has to BE.

Posted in books, DIY, Joanne Huspek, manners, Monday Blogs, rewriting, Running To, womens literature, writing Tagged , , , ,

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