NaNoWriMo – Editing Wrap Up

Well, my intentions of working on NaNoWriMo while simultaneously editing last year’s NaNo effort lasted only about a week. But before you think I fell off the wagon and onto my LazyBoy with the remote control in one hand and a box of Godiva truffles in the other, let me emphasize that the editing on VIRTUAL MOMS continued.

In fact, I’m into the 80K range now on the re-worked MS, with about 50 more pages to come from Mr. Ed. So if we are talking about numbers of words, I probably topped the 50K mark for November, if you include blog posts and my writing in the other forums.

*pats self on back*

NaNoWriMo isn’t meant to be an exercise in finishing a book in 50K words or in 30 days, although I know prolific writers who do just that. (Hate them. Not really. 🙂 It’s really meant to jump start lazy asses like me, who can find a hundred and one things to keep me distracted. It’s supposed to get you into the habit of writing — rough to do when there’s a Real Life — and hopefully the habit stays with you the other eleven months out of the year.

For me, the Muse comes and goes, followed by the Anti-Muse. That’s just the way I am. Without a deadline (like NaNo) I tend to return to my slacker ways.

The good news is I am super-excited about VM. The edits brought out some good points, which I expanded on, and showcased my impulse to meander on and on with the back story. This is a huge problem for me. GARGANTUAN chunks were cut out, sliced and put in later, and it’s all good. The beginning doesn’t feel right to me, but we shall see when Mr. Ed looks at the re-write.

Other than that, it’s back to the salt mines. Too busy to read, but I will get back to that very soon.

By the way, have you heard of #FridayReads on Twitter? You can get more info about it HERE and HERE on Facebook.

Posted in editing, music, violin, writing, women, life, NaNoWriMo, people, rewriting, writing

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